Kamis, 13 November 2014

Without good care, our favorite car paint will quickly fade, dull, moldy, so no unsightly blisters. Although we are not the latest car aka old, but if the paint look sleek, clean, Wetlook there must be a pride to appear on the streets / in the parking lot between the cars which are new. Here I present the post to take care of the paint as follows:
Keeping the car paint to make it look more shiny and keeping it longer lasting and require time and effort and keep the habit of using the car. well that when the washing, cleaning cars and others.
In some cases, the car paint can be exacting, dull, scratched and so on due to the negligence of the owner of the car in keeping the car paint so sometimes many people are willing to pay dearly to restore their original car paint.
However, it should be able to be prevented by treatment of the paint which will be discussed in a following car paint care tips.
How to care for the car to be more durable and protected from various early damage car paint is actually easy to do when the owner to follow a few tips on caring for the car paint of the following, namely:

Avoid the sun, As much as possible avoid car paint from direct sunlight, when washing the car is advised morning or afternoon sun when his day is not too overpowering.
Use a special car wash, Avoid usage of detergent to wash the car and use a special detergent that is intended is to paint the car is not for the dishwasher, clothes and others.
  When exposed to animal waste, be it birds, bats and others. As soon as possible cleaned and washed thoroughly. Do not wait too long if you do not want the dirt paint seeped into the car and make the paint to be broken.

Parking in the shade, this may often be neglected looking for a parking spot should be more selective to avoid direct sun sengata that car paint more durable and the color does not fade.
When washing the car, immediately flush soap foam attached to the car paint. Do not be too long left as potentially cause staining on the car paint.

To take care of the car paint more durable course depends on how regularly you clean the existing paint on your car. So at least every day always maintained the cleanliness of the car paint. Because the longer allow dirt or dust stuck in the car became one of the main causes of damage to the car paint.

Thank you for reading our article about TREATING CAT CAR, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

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