Kamis, 13 November 2014

Cat NapIf you are looking for a cat that is appropriate to be used as a pet, you may face a little trouble making a choice (except maybe if you really want to pick up abandoned cats from the streets). Because there are now approximately 40 family cats and approximately 500 different types of cats. In general, cats are grouped into four main groups, long-haired cats, short-haired cats, Siamese cats and foreign short-haired cat. On average, long-haired cats like Persian cats are more popular because of the beautiful feathers. And today there are 3 types of cats that were to be excellent, which is a Persian cat, Bengal cat, and the cat Himalayas

Somehow each type of cats have innate differences in habits and nature. So it is better to know which species are more in line with yourself before making a choice. Most cat owners are more fond of the local cats for local cats easier to maintain and easier to adapt to us.

Males or females who should we keep?

Whether you choose a foreign or local cats, problems often arise is in the selection of sex. For example, male cats rather spoiled but like lazing in the long term and tend to fight with other cats. Otherwise rare female cat lazing though spoiled. (But if I prefer male cats, because if the female is definitely breed and care of many cats it is not easy)

Where and how to choose a good cat to be maintained?

Cats are good for maintained can be taken from anywhere. Usually people prefer to pick it up off the street. (The reason is because it's easy and free) or also if you want a foreign cat, you can get it at a pet store, shelter cat, or a cat breeding. Whatever your choice, make sure the cat is healthy. Setiasalah select an active cat, with cheerful eyes and fur shiny clean. And you should choose a cat who was aged less than one year, because you will be easy to train and care

Understanding Purposes The Sweet


In general, we know well the favorite food of most cats, namely fish. And the kitten who does not have a parent they need milk, should be a good selection of food to make your cat to be healthy and agile. Good food affect intelligence, character, and shape of your cat's body. The better you take care of the food is good, then your cat will increasingly look good.

Intake of nutritious foods and vitamins is essential given to your cat. For cat contest, the selection of good food makes cat hair will be beautiful and look beautiful. You can create your own composition nutritious food for Fluffy, not too much difference to the human needs. Or if you do not have time, it's been a lot of cat food sold in supermarkets or pet stores. We recommend that you consult a veterinarian if you have any doubts.


The Sweet requires its own set of tableware, a place for food and another for water. Choose a container that is easily accessible to the cat. The place is clean and the food should be washed separately rather than your eating utensils. Especially for kittens give milk in a shallow container such as cup. The Sweet also better left to eat in a separate corner, far from where he defecate.
Tips on Maintaining and caring for cats
Wood poles

Wooden pole used cat to scratch and to prevent Si Manis from scratching your furniture. Should be made of wood that is not too hard and coated with a stretch fabric or rope with a solid foundation and the pole should be high enough so that Fluffy can be scratched with unlimited.


As with children, inexpensive objects of interest often give more satisfaction to play like a spool of thread that is obsolete or dull, large paper bags, instead of your feet can even be used as a toy by them. (personal experience .. hehehe ..)

Here ya if the cat is familiar with computers! Rich employer !!


Provide a basket or box that is soft, slightly higher than the surface of the floor, in the light of the far corner of the entry of the wind to your house. Shaped like a nest with fabrics that will make Fluffy feel warm. The Sweet sleep almost 75% than life, so the bed should be comfortable to sleep in a chair or prevent your mattress.

Spot removing impurities

We recommend that you should teach Fluffy to throw dirt in place. For those of you who do not have a large yard, you can make it with a shallow container. Fill the container with sand and give wide mat underneath. Clean the litter every day. You also have to clean up around the place defecate with spray fresheners or carbolic acid to eliminate germs.

Keep Your Treatment Against The Sweet!

Never hit The Sweet because this will cause stress in cats. If Fluffy does not obey your commands, splash a little water with a toy gun. Fluffy will not know where it came from the water and will not blame you with the punishment, so he will remain spoiled with you.
Tips on Maintaining and caring for cats
Understanding Health Purposes The Sweet


The Sweet long haired need combed every day, this is not only strengthens muscles but also helps prevent the hair matted and dull. Fluffy the short hair should be stroked with damp hands to keep his fur to keep it clean.


The Sweet may have head lice if often seen scratching and biting her body. There are many treatments and products are easy to deal with this problem, but if you are unsure, you can consult a veterinarian. Do not forget to clean the bed and around the bed. Also teach Fluffy to throw dirt in place.

TIPS: Mix 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar to get rid of lice Si Manis bathed her way. Be careful in the washing of water vinegar should not be about your cat's eye!


The Sweet also need a shower. Sometimes until now I am still sorry to see the cat when bathed, as sad and pitiful face. But it's all for the good of the cat. You can give him a bath using warm water and a washcloth or hand towel with melapnya slowly on the coat.

Note also the cleanliness of tableware The Sweet by washing them clean, and discard food that is not spent. Also for the cleanliness of his bed, and defecate.


At the age of 6-12 weeks, Fluffy needs to be injected to prevent feline infectious enteritis and respiratory diseases. Annual vaccination can ensure Fluffy gets protection continuously.
ear disease

If Fluffy shook his head and scratching his ears, notice if there is a foreign object. If he smells, or there is a small black granules, immediately consult a veterinarian.

mouth pain

Germs on the teeth can cause gum disease, ulceration and loose teeth. This will reduce the appetite Si Manis, or he was forced to chew on the side of his mouth just because of toothache. If this happens, The Sweet require dental treatment. To reduce the pain, give her mouth with salt solution.

Duration containing cat is approximately between 63 to 66 days.

How do you recognize a cat that contain?

You will not figure it out quickly because the signs will only appear after approximately 3 weeks. At this time, you will find a larger cats nipples and her appetite increased. In the fourth and fifth weeks, enlarged abdomen. At this time, The Sweet should be given extra food. Your cat will look bigger belly in the sixth week, and her appetite will increase. The food is easily digestible and nutritious should be given. All time containing sure your cat was always calm and ask him to do gymnastics with him playing.

Provide also a corresponding labor on the seventh week. Place of delivery can be made from a box or basket and a pile of old newspapers or piles of fabric that are not used in a slightly warm in the house.

Recognizing the signs

A few days before delivery, voice your cat will change dramatically. The closer to the day of delivery, he will lose appetite and fun nap to find a suitable delivery. Delivery process does not require human assistance (especially midwives!); unless seen something strange in the process of your cat pregnant, contact your veterinarian if you find something you do not understand. In time, the mother cat is able to give birth to itself; gave birth to a kitten approximately every 5 minutes or so. (mostly cats suffered a long time, there is no definite time).

Motherhood nature of your cat

Kittens will be spoiled and require more attention as his age. His appetite is also growing, and the mother cat may be experiencing stress breastfeeding. To maintain the health of your cat, give it four daily nutritious meal, and clean water are pretty much in the breastfeeding period.

Thank you for reading our article about Tips on Maintaining and caring for cats, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

With the passage of time will make your house paint will be dull and dirty. it is reasonable especially for Paint the outside walls of your house, because it is exposed to rain, heat, as well as changes in temperature and climate demolition. this causes the paint can turn into dull, peeling and dirty. Surely you do not want to have a house that has the look dull and dirty just because the paint fading.

Caring Cat Wall House
Cat Care Tips Wall Home Stay Beautiful

There are several things you can do to make it beautiful Cat House. Painting techniques and proper treatment can make a beautiful house paint will appear longer. here are some tips on caring for the house wall paint that you can possibly do.
The first thing you have to do is choose a paint color that matches the color of your favorite.
Before you paint the walls are sure lining is clean of dust and dirt and moisture
Opt-based latex paint for a more durable and can be used to paint the walls, wood, and even iron
Give primer if you want to use colored paint
When the paint stains, then wipe it before the stain becomes dry and more difficult to clean.
Fix your leaky roof immediately, because water can flow kedinding and leave stains.
Those are some tips you can do to make your home more durable paint and still beautiful. With the beauty of the house paint may reflect life in the house of course will make you more comfortable in the occupied ..

Thank you for reading our article about Cat Care Tips Wall Home Stay Beautiful, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

Wood elements can build a warm atmosphere and classic in your room. In addition, wood furniture can also be
used in the long term. As a lover of wooden furniture you must have a way to maintain and
caring for your collection that are not easily damaged.

One way to maintain the beauty of wood furniture is the way in polish. Polish is a useful liquid
to rub the furniture and make it shiny. Old furniture can also look new again by
The mem-polish. Before backing polish wood furniture, you should clean it from dirt and dust first.
This is done to achieve the end result is maximum.

How to clean:
every week to clean the wood with a cloth moistened. This is to prevent scratches on
clean and polish every month
always use protection / ironing of drinks / food hot or cold
Avoid exposure to the sun's heat can damage the color
Do not move anything on top of the wood furniture because it will cause scratches.

If exposed to paint or cement or other liquid, immediately cleared. Because if not immediately cleaned it will
absorbs into the timber so that material will be broken or porous.

Thank you for reading our article about TIPS 1 TREATING WOOD FURNITURE, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

Without good care, our favorite car paint will quickly fade, dull, moldy, so no unsightly blisters. Although we are not the latest car aka old, but if the paint look sleek, clean, Wetlook there must be a pride to appear on the streets / in the parking lot between the cars which are new. Here I present the post to take care of the paint as follows:
Keeping the car paint to make it look more shiny and keeping it longer lasting and require time and effort and keep the habit of using the car. well that when the washing, cleaning cars and others.
In some cases, the car paint can be exacting, dull, scratched and so on due to the negligence of the owner of the car in keeping the car paint so sometimes many people are willing to pay dearly to restore their original car paint.
However, it should be able to be prevented by treatment of the paint which will be discussed in a following car paint care tips.
How to care for the car to be more durable and protected from various early damage car paint is actually easy to do when the owner to follow a few tips on caring for the car paint of the following, namely:

Avoid the sun, As much as possible avoid car paint from direct sunlight, when washing the car is advised morning or afternoon sun when his day is not too overpowering.
Use a special car wash, Avoid usage of detergent to wash the car and use a special detergent that is intended is to paint the car is not for the dishwasher, clothes and others.
  When exposed to animal waste, be it birds, bats and others. As soon as possible cleaned and washed thoroughly. Do not wait too long if you do not want the dirt paint seeped into the car and make the paint to be broken.

Parking in the shade, this may often be neglected looking for a parking spot should be more selective to avoid direct sun sengata that car paint more durable and the color does not fade.
When washing the car, immediately flush soap foam attached to the car paint. Do not be too long left as potentially cause staining on the car paint.

To take care of the car paint more durable course depends on how regularly you clean the existing paint on your car. So at least every day always maintained the cleanliness of the car paint. Because the longer allow dirt or dust stuck in the car became one of the main causes of damage to the car paint.

Thank you for reading our article about TREATING CAT CAR, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

In addition to car paint, glass also need to be treated in order to be clean. I also give the following tips on caring for car glass
Windshield is part of the car that serves to keep us from the heat and rain. Indirectly, the windshield is able to maintain our security and certainly affect comfort when driving.
Special care is needed to take care of the car so as not dewy glass, frosted, etched and greasy so it does not disturb the view while driving.
How to clean the windshield properly and easily made into one of the things that must be done to take care of the windshield to avoid auto glass opaque, frosted, etched or oily.
6 How to clean the glass following car is quite easy to do. Need some steps in do it as follows:

1. Do not use a chemical substance or alcohol. When wiping do not think to use these two materials to clean the car window film because it is not made of glass clean car but on the contrary, can impair the function of the damping heat and cause blurred on the windshield.
2. Use a soft cloth and clean. If there is dirt, potentially making the glass becomes scratched and scratched.
3. Wiping with unidirectional glass, It is highly recommended and avoid wiping the glass with a twist. Because, wipe the glass with a twist can cause scratches on the glass when there is sand stuck to the glass.
4. When the rain, to avoid mold immediately wiping dew is in auto glass inside.
5. Note the dirt on the sidelines of the rubber window, This debris is potentially make beret car window film if not cleaned.
6. Clean the glass 2 times a day. To avoid dirt too long.

      For auto glass treatments better and safe to use on glass recommend using a soft, clean cloth or some kind of special cloth to clean the windshield like a chamois. As well as regular maintenance to clean the windshield every day so as to avoid damage to the windshield caused more severe because busam, dewy and moldy.

Thank you for reading our article about CLEANING GLASS DOORS, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

Has a very comfortable sofa can be used to accompany our fatigue, especially white or brightly colored sofa looks elegant and clean. Has a very comfortable sofa can be used to accompany our fatigue, especially white or brightly colored sofa looks elegant and clean. However, care white sofa rather difficult and dirty easily. However, care white sofa rather difficult, and dirty Easily.
We will share tips and easy way to wash your own sofa. We will share some tips and easy way to wash your own sofa.
Equipment needed Equipment needed:
 • Pots
Washing Tips Sofa Fabric Sofa Cloth Washing Tips
• Bottle sprayer
• Softener and perfuming clothes
• Timba two
• Hand brush soft
• Toothbrush former
• Detergent powder color concentrates
• Some cloth white cloth, dry and clean
• towel (towel) dry and clean
• Hair Dryer

Step work
• Fill a bucket with clean water
• Fill the other bucket with water mixed with detergent concentrate and only a quarter bucket
• Fill the sprayer bottle softener (fabric softener)
• Clean the sofa with kemujing
• Shake the detergent in a bucket until the foam much
• Take the foam with a scoop and put it on the couch with a hand brush gently brush evenly to clean (try the direction of the fiber), give the foam and brush again to clean when stools thick. Corner brush grooves with a toothbrush
• Rinse with a damp cloth (cloth dam) evenly and repeatedly until foaming no longer
• dry with a dry cloth or towel dry.
• Perform evenly and continuously on the entire surface of your couch
• Once clean and dry will semprotkanlah softener and fragrance evenly and drying
• If you are less sunlight can dry it with a hair dryer

This method applies to any colored fabric sofa, you just replace detergentnya with a special detergent for color so that the color does not fade. forward our other tips on Sofa

Thank you for reading our article, good luck and look forward to the next tip at all can do

Sabtu, 13 September 2014

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